About Us
Stag Charcoal is a subsidiary of HorticMan Limited and producer of British Charcoal based in Cambridgeshire near the county city of Cambridge.
Stag Charcoal works in partnership with Abington Sawmill & local woodland owners to source timber suitable for conversion into British charcoal and other charcoal derived products that can be found in this store, under the "Stag Charcoal" brand. We chose "Stag", as traditionally the stag has been the “King” of the forest and our guiding values and ethos is that British Charcoal is the best.

Grown in Britain
Grown in Britain works at every stage of the forest product supply chain to support the use of UK timber.
Over recent years, there has been a growing emphasis on the importance of source. People want to support our nation’s woods and forests by purchasing local timber products; and major construction companies, high street retailers and public authorities are demanding Grown in Britain products as part of their procurement policies.
Stag British Charcoal has been Grown in Britain Certified since 2016.
Certification No. GiB-W-WS-5049

Little & Large
Our Retorts: The Beast - Pressvess RTS1600 dwarfing the 1st and Original Prototype Pressvess RTS1000